April 2018, Total Traffic Sea Transportation in Bengkulu Province There were 137 Ships - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mukomuko Regency

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April 2018, Total Traffic Sea Transportation in Bengkulu Province There were 137 Ships

Release Date : June 4, 2018
File Size : 0.27 MB


The number of sea transport traffic in Bengkulu Province in April 2018 was 137 vessels, up by 20.18 percent compared to March 2018 of 114 vessels. Sea transport passenger traffic in April 2018 was recorded at 1,683 passengers, an increase of 21.43 percent compared to March 2018. The freight of goods unloaded through the Port of Baai Island in April 2018 was 372,483 tons, an increase of 212.17 percent if compared to March 2018.
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