The amount of sea freight traffic in Bengkulu Province in August 2018 was recorded at 175 vessels - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mukomuko Regency

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The amount of sea freight traffic in Bengkulu Province in August 2018 was recorded at 175 vessels

The amount of sea freight traffic in Bengkulu Province in August 2018 was recorded at 175 vesselsDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 1, 2018
File Size : 0.22 MB


The amount of sea freight traffic in Bengkulu Province in August 2018 was recorded at 175 vessels, an increase of 30.60 percent when compared to July 2018 of 134 vessels. Meanwhile, sea transport passenger traffic in August 2018 recorded 501 passengers, an increase of 58.54 percent compared to July 2018.
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