The Bengkulu Province NTP in October 2018 was recorded at 94.11 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mukomuko Regency

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The Bengkulu Province NTP in October 2018 was recorded at 94.11

Release Date : November 1, 2018
File Size : 0.25 MB


The Bengkulu Province NTP in October 2018 was recorded at 94.11, which means that the purchasing power of farmers in Bengkulu Province was still a deficit of 5.89 percent. This figure is higher than the September 2018 NTP of 92.81 or an increase of 1.40 percent. The increase in Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP) occurs in the food crops, horticulture and smallholder plantations subsector. The NTP changes in October 2018 for each sub-sector compared to September 2018 are as follows: food crop subsector (NTPP) 100.46 (up 1.65 percent), horticulture sub-sector NTP (NTPH) 115.21 (up 1.19 percent) , People's plantation crop sub-sector (NTPR) NTP 80.09 (up 2.29 percent), livestock subsector NTP (NTPT) 107.94 (down 0.54 percent) and fisheries / fisheries sub-sector (NTN) NTP 98.33 (down 0.88 percent). The capture fisheries sub-sector (NTNT) NTP was 107.05 (down 1.70 percent) and the aquaculture subsector (NTNB) NTP was 95.06 (down 0.54 percent).
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