November 2019, Occupancy Rate of Starred Hotel Rooms in Bengkulu Province is 77.32 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mukomuko Regency

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November 2019, Occupancy Rate of Starred Hotel Rooms in Bengkulu Province is 77.32

November 2019, Occupancy Rate of Starred Hotel Rooms in Bengkulu Province is 77.32Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 1, 2019
File Size : 0.22 MB


  • The Star Hotel Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) in Bengkulu Province in November 2018 was recorded at 77.32 percent, up 0.30 points compared to the hotel TPK in October 2018 which was recorded at 77.02 percent. When compared with the same month in 2017, ROR for star-rated hotels rose by 5.29 points.
  • The average length of stay of guests (RLMT) in star hotels in Bengkulu Province in November 2018 was 1.73 days, up 0.03 points compared to hotel RLMT in October 2018 which was recorded at 1.70 days. However, when compared to the same month in 2017, the RLMT of star hotels rose by 0.14 points.
  • Of the 10 Provinces on Sumatra Island, with star-rated TPK of 77.32 percent, Bengkulu Province was ranked as the highest TPK in Sumatra. The second highest starred TPK Hotel is Lampung Province with a magnitude of 70.13 percent while the lowest in Sumatra in November 2018 is the Bangka Belitung Islands Province which is 44.43 percent.
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