BPS Strategic Plan of Mukomuko Regency 2010-2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Mukomuko Regency

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BPS Strategic Plan of Mukomuko Regency 2010-2014

Catalog Number : 1201005.1706
Publication Number : 170601440
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : December 10, 2014
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1.05 MB


BPS Strategic Review Document Review BPS Mukomuko Regency Year 2010-2014 is the result of a review of the Renstra BPS Mukomuko Regency Year 2010-2014, taking into account the development of the strategic environment. The review resulted in changes to the objectives, strategic objectives, and indicators of programs and activities. Considering the strategic environment changes, especially regarding the potential, opportunities, challenges, and problems of BPS Mukomuko Regency, the Renstra 2010-2014 Document Review is structured in a more systematic and measurable way. Thus, the whole range of BPS in Mukomuko Regency is expected to more easily understand the strategic objectives that are guidelines and directions in the effort to achieve the established statistical development goals
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